How to become Successful Entrepreneur

If you are thinking of starting your own business, but have no idea where to start, “Don't Worry, and Congratulate Yourself, Because this is how many successful entrepreneurs started their journey someday, Just remember Entrepreneurs are born with an unstoppable instinct

Though there is no university that can teach you entrepreneurship, but here are few basic entrepreneurship guidelines that may help you to think better, you can become your own master someday.

  1. Choose your interest carefully
  2. Analyze well and work hard
  3. Maintain Work Life Balance
  4. Everyday learn something new
  5. Accept that the journey may not be easy; be calm always
  6. Reduce low-value activities
  7. Speak less, Listen More, Read More
  8. Don't be afraid of trying new ways
  9. Spend carefully
  10. Maintain Health
  11. Never give-up
  12. Meditation: Mediate Regularly

Entrepreneurship for all

here are few basic fundamentals that many successful entrepreneurs have followed and practiced for years, and we all should do!

  1. Choose your interest carefully

    Think of your interest, what you enjoy the most, because only your interest and passion will drive you, even when something is unclear. Focus on clarity, understand that confidence has no meaning without clarity.

    You must enjoy doing the activity even though there is no success or monetary gain immediately, So listen to your heart carefully.

    Just think why Sachin Tendulkar or Saurav Ganguly became so successful cricketer, what made them so successful; when they started their journey no one even knew them. but just their passion about the game and hard work towards it made them so successful.
    So, interest and passion is very important, choose carefully.

  2. Analyze well and work hard

    Before implementing anything analyze well, put your best, stretch your limit, because you are building something for long term, listen to everyone (don’t underestimate or overestimate anyone) , but do as per your own judgment, because if things goes right then there would be many to take credit, but if thing goes wrong, then only You have to pay for that.

    Always be willing to work hard, there is nothing called short cut or smart way, If you look at smart successful people they all have learned everything in hard way, then later they become smart. There is no alternate of hard work, sometimes things may look like stupid, but that’s okay to learn your own way.

  3. Maintain Work Life Balance

    Enjoy life every day; don’t neglect small happiness in hope of big day tomorrow. Because the truth is life is unpredictable, so "live like there is no tomorrow, think like you live forever".

    Value true relationship; never leave company of any true companion and family. Because at the end of life you may realize there is something still money can’t buy.

  4. Everyday learn something

    Learn something new everyday, in entrepreneurship knowledge is more powerful sometimes even than money, so, keep an open mind, evaluate your own knowing everyday.

    Today's some proven fact may turn out to be wrong for tomorrow’s decision, So be updated.
    Focus on your subject, control your time being utilized for unnecessary things, and avoid gossiping, preserve energy.

    Remember there is no institute in the world, that can teach you Entrepreneurship, and that's why you are an Entrepreneur, because everyone’s journey is unique. Observe everything with cool head; Time and Situation is the Best Teacher, keep an open mind and learn from journey.

  5. Accept that the journey may not be easy; be calm always

    If you look at example of most of the successful entrepreneurs, most of them had a tough journey initially, so journey may be tough for you too. Be ready for that :)

    Mediate regularly, be cool, sometimes you may feel low, but learn to deal with it.

    You may become lonely; you may feel there is no one to share with when the time is tough, because that has happened with most of the entrepreneurs; you must learn to remain cool and strong in this phase of journey.

    Even most respected entrepreneur like Sir Ratan Tata said “I suddenly felt that I didn't have a friend in the world” – when indica car came out in market!

    During this phase, try to listen to good music, spend some time with nature, green valley, sea beach, forest, hillylands can help you reducing your stress level and make you feel good, Mother Nature loves everyone at any point of time.

  6. Reduce low-value activities

    Try not to get involved in everything, priorities what is important, because you have limited time every day, utilize the maximum for some productivity.

    Also remember, you need proper sleep, so take rest whenever possible, keep yourself relaxed, this is not a 100 meter race, this is a very long marathon, so consume energy very carefully.

  7. Speak less, Listen More

    In entrepreneurship, try to build a habit of listening more, that will help you to gather many information, speak less, so the other person get an opportunity to speak.

    There are many crucial things you learn from critics, competitors, and other business associates, so keep listening them carefully.

  8. Don't be afraid of trying new ways

    Keep trying in different ways of doing same things; until you try you actually never know which is the best way for your business.

    Many times you may not be successful, may fail, may feel frustrated, but never stop trying new ways; because that’s the only way you can learn the best things that no one can teach you.

  9. Spend carefully

    In early stages, you may not have any income from your business, but you can control spending money, every single money you save, is your earning at that point of time.

    Don’t spend money on business promotion in early stage, because firstly, it normally takes six month to one year to define and optimize the business, many things you keep on changing during this time. Secondly, if you spend money to get buyers attention and show them half-build work, that will not produce any result. You can promote your business from day one using social media.

    Don’t spend money on things that won’t produce value, like car, cloth, and expensive furniture & electronic goods, spend money on learning new things, read, read, read keep reading as much as can.

  10. Maintain Health

    Maintain Health, mental and physical both are important, don’t spend too much time on chit chat and social media, avoid people if not getting positive vibes, disconnect immediately.

    Avoid junk food try to eat organic food as much possible, eat little less than your body need.

  11. Never give-up
    Never give-up, keep trying again and again in different way.

    Sometimes you may feel like things are not moving, and you feel tired, exhausted, there is no one to share with, and you feel like crying and giving up... but don't, hold on. Take a walk; spend some time with nature greenery... nature is a great source of energy.

  12. Meditation: Mediate Regularly

    Do meditation regularly, as a human being we have limitation; to connect superpower, the immense source of energy, for better concentration we must mediate, this will help to improve your thinking ability, try to understand how inner engineering works! connect your thoughts, feel them, Semi dark room is best place for meditation, many things you may realize in closed-eyes that you can't see in open eyes.

    Again start from top... Keep doing, keep practicing, and keep pushing ...till you become successful

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