Azure DevOps tutorial for beginners

You all probably heard of DevOps, but, do you know what is DevOps? Some of you may know, or not sure whether it’s a technical component or a process, so, let’s learn devops azure server first!

devops auzre tutorial

DevOps is a set of best software development practices that has been built on Agile principal, which allow you to capture and share every small details from the stage of ideation, planning, POC, development, build and deployment with small milestone.

DevOps helps to simplify any complex business process into systematic, traceable, presentable information sharing with right stakeholders; it makes things easy and manageable.

Learn to use DevOps Azure Server

Like any other clouds environment (AWS, Google Cloud, Oracle), Azure also has DevOps tools that allow you to start with agile practice for any software development and delivery need.

If you are already familiar with agile development practice, then you find each agile step (attributes) in this DevOps platform.

You can start using DevOps free on Azure platform, simply login with your or outlook id or gitHub at, there are set of tools that you can play with, it will be the right way to learn if you have a small project with a team size around 10 people, you can experiment the entire life cycle of software development, starting from requirement gathering till delivery.

auzre devops tutorial

After creating your organization profile, you can create any number of projects under that, and for each project there separate workflow.

DevOps overview in Azure

If you notice below devops diagram, you can see that there is pace for capturing all the development work flow, like what we used to have in JIra as a project management tool and then SVN for synchronising all development files for deployment and release, DevOps got everything in one place.

devops overview in azure

We can have multiple project management flow, where we can create work item, assign to team members (just like we used to do in Jira or any other project management tool), we can set up small milestone for every delivery.

Repos :
In repository, we have all the files that different developers are working on, we can manage multiple version , see comments for every check in and check out , we can create different branches, tags etc. just like we used to do in SVN.
Here is an post on how to push on and pull code from devops server.

Test Plan:
We can create multiple test plan and execute them

To create a new pipeline we can pull file from different repositories like DevOps own repos, Github repository or any other SVN source.

devops pipeline in azure

This section is for build management team, they can setup different environments, different release plan, managing core libraries, creating task group, deployment group, the pull all the files from selected branches and tags, the push deployment on selected server.

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