OnPage Optimization in SEO Checklist

What is on-page optimization in SEO? here you will learn everything you need to know about On Page Optimization in Seo, the most crucial factors for website ranking in search engine and how you should design your page content.

What is on page SEO optimization?

Search engine optimization is a very complex process, it involves many different aspect and techniques to tell search engine about your product and service. SEO success depends on how accurately you can tell the story. SEO is a type of programming without code, it follows some best practices; In SEO, webpage on-page optimization is just one important part of that process, but plays the key role in overall SEO success.

SEO Onpage Optimization Tips

On page SEO is basically optimized way of telling search engine why this particular page is built, what purpose of this page.

There are some standard guidelines that has been evolved over the time by search engine like Google, and followed by many SEO experts around the world, so as a SEO professional we must learn and practice those guidelines.

So, here are some "Onpage Optimization tips and tricks", that will help optimizing your web pages for best search engine ranking.

  1. Page Title

    Page time is the most important part of on-page SEO; you have to really think hard for setting up page title, ideally the title should have following characteristic.

    • Title should be 60 to 70 characters long
    • Title should contain the main targeted keywords of the page
    • Title should be a meaningful sentence for human reading too

  2. Long meta description

    Write long meta description of the page, but keep it relevant and meaningful, in many SEO tool may suggest you to keep short description, but that’s not true anymore, Google want long description to understand the summary of the page, but does not mean you write a big article in meta description field, keep it meaningful way to say the summary.

  3. Open Graph Protocol

    Implementation of Open Graph Protocol in meta tag section will help the page appearing perfectly in social media sites like linkedin, facebook, twitter etc , following tags are very important

    <meta property="og:url" content="" />
    <meta property="og:image" content="" />
    <meta property="og:image" content="" />
    <meta property="og:site_name" content="" />
    <meta property="og:description" content="" />
  4. Page Name

    So page name is very important, try to use the main keyword as page name, like we have kept “on-page-optimization” as name of this page.

  5. SEO Friendly URL

    Make sure the page url is meaningful and contain the main key words, here is an example of good url


  6. Keyword in H1 Tag

    <h1> use keyword in header tag </h1>
    , think what term your potential user will use to find your service or content of the page. your page should have only one H1 tag

  7. Relevant Product Picture

    Put up a nice picture of your product or services that will convey the message, picture helps drawing attention more quickly than text, that will attract more user repeatedly comes to that page, Indirectly telling search engine the importance of that page.

  8. Concise short description

    Write a concise short description about the page just below the headline, even if you have long story to tell, “short description” is very important, it quickly tells the user about the usability of page without scrolling down till end

  9. External linking

    Link out the important high quality external resources, services etc. this will indicate the clarity your page is trying to bring, thus will become favorite to search engine

  10. Page loading speed

    First loading is another key parameter in successful on-page SEO, so take off everything those are unrelated to the page, make sure page loads really first

  11. Page caching

    In on-page optimization, you can use caching technique powerfully wherever possible, read more about caching

  12. Internal linking

    Use internal linking of content on same page and within the site, in A tag use title property to write the keywords like

    <a href="#" title="on page seo">On Page SEO</a>
    , this will also bring better navigation experience for user.

  13. Image Name

    Create image name with keywords, like

    <img src="on-page-seo.jpg">
    , and make sure every image has alt="key words" title="Key words" property. Image title and image alt text are very important, never keep them empty

  14. Structured Data & Schema Markup

    Use Structured Data or macro data as per definition in schema.org , Google loves Structured Data, it’s easier to tell search engine accurately about your product or service, so appropriate use of Structured Data can increase the chance of your page appearing on search result

Here is another great post about On-Page SEO from various SEO experts.

How to start on-page seo?

If you are small business owner, you don’t need any seo consultant from outside, you can do on-page optimization for your site, optimization is a on-going process. optimization never happen at one time, most important thing for on-page seo success is that you should have great content, so spend some bandwidth creating great content first, then indentify your business keyword with the help of some keyword research tools, then start making changes from title, metadata and all other points I have mentioned in above list.

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