Best ways to get visitors traffic to website

Fetching traffic to your website is the most challenging and expensive task in online business, here I will share 15 best ways to increase traffic to your website, so you should spend some time to get them rightly implemented!

A good website is like a keeping a full time employee, who will work for you 24 x 7 x 365 days, just imagine, someone is trying to build your business even when you are on holidays, Yes, that’s why every business owner make a website, but what if there is no visitor to the website? That will be of no use right! So here we tell you how you can increase visitor traffic for free.

Increase website visitors traffic for free
You can drive huge traffic to your website without paying a single rupee to any paid advertisement! Yes, True.

As a website business owner, you must know if there is no traffic on your website, your web designing will never be successful, no matter how beautiful graphical representation you have, on the other hand if you can fetch good number of visitors on your webpage, you are successful even with simple layout, so, content is the king

Increase visitors traffic to website

If you want organic traffic to your website, here are few proven ways to increase website traffic.

  1. Content is King, Write good Content

    Always write good content that reader will enjoy reading about your products or services, search engine should be next thing to consider, remember in there are two things about getting traffic to a website, one is somehow getting visitor for the for the first time, and second is holding them so they keep coming repeatedly to your website.

    So more repeated visitor your website gets more reputation you earns, and that will make you successful.

  2. Add Website to Google My Business Account

    Listing your business in Google My Business can get you traffic from day one! absolutely free! make sure you add your business information with right keywords and some beautiful pictures, don’t forget to link back your website url, after reading your business details in google business many visitor will check your website too, so that can be great source of quality traffic to your website.

  3. Write Irresistible Headlines

    Write good content with Catchy Irresistible Headlines.
    Now how do you know if the headline is attractive enough? Think like a potential buyer of that service, if you are looking for that kind of service what will draw your attention.

    Considering adding your product / service feature in headline should be second priority, make it attractive for buyer first, this will increase click ration at least 20% to 30%.

  4. Find our hot keywords, phrase for your business

    Before you start doing some artistic work, find out what are those keywords, phrase are often used to reach to audience for products like yours.

    This exercise often termed as Keyword research. Do this first & Get it right.

  5. Use Hashtags for all your blog post

    Using # Hashtag with right keywords can be a powerful technique to bring traffic to website. While promoting your business in social media by sharing post, make sure you use right hash tag, this will give you an opportunity to extend your reach beyond your network, and the post will get discovered by users searching for your products and services, so the more people see your post, the more will visit your website.

  6. Target Long Tail Keywords

    For any hot keywords there will be always high competition, so find out what are the long tail keywords combinations.

    Now you must understand the classification of functionalities and how to use keywords to describe them. If you are offering some service or you have some products to talk about, classify them first, then it will be easy to optimize each page for that particular type or category. now use different type of keywords combination for that particular type page.

  7. Pay Attention to On-Page SEO

    On-page SEO is very important, Optimize each page with right set of keywords and high quality content, best way to do this, think your website has only this one page, and you have one target audience, now optimize that one page with quality content that your reader would love to read, use the right set of phrase and key words related to that audience / industry, don't write content for multiple audience into single page, then the page will never get ranking, learn more about On-Page Optimization

  8. Create a blog section on your website

    write blog to increase traffic to website, blogging is very powerful way of getting traffic, you may have fix number of pages, but if you have blog, you can create new content about your business every day, post blog with some attractive picture related to your product and service.

  9. Share on Social Media

    Social media is very powerful tool, can be used as one of the most popular free marketing tools around, and plays a role in driving quality traffic to your website. you can easily increase website traffic from social media

    Create account in all major social sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter to promote blog posts and other useful content of your website.

    Consistently posting quality information on social media will surely increase your followers; make sure you keep the content user friendly and easy to understand about your product / service.

  10. Offer some free consultancy to potential buyers

    Offer free consultancy and tips to your potential buyer, create an opportunity for them to ask you question about their business service, always create an attitude of “How can I help you”

    Remember, they may not buy from you, but if you can answer their query well, they will remember you, may refer you to someone, they will keep checking your website for free tips, and make them repetitive visitor.

    And if can't answer, then you know what type of query your buyers asking, that will help you to get prepared better for next time

  11. Start Email Marketing

    Start Email Marketing at as soon as your website is ready with reasonably good content, don’t wait till you finish all work, email marketing will help creating awareness about your brand in most cost effective way.

    But don’t send email very frequently to same user, follow email marketing best practice

  12. Put some online Paid Advertisement

    Paid advertisement is obviously a quick way, but to find out the right channel that fits your budget is the challenge.

    Keep looking for your product relevant blog, where you can post some paid advertisement, or use Facebook for low cost advertisement, or if you have good budget you also can Google and Bing service.

  13. Guest Blog

    Guest Blogging is one of the most efficient ways of creating reputation of your website and can drive good quality traffic.

    Find out the relevant website that deals with products/service where you have expertise, then try to answer user's query on those website, make sure you post quality content. Check if you can contribute any post to their blog with a link back to your website. Also you can request other experts to review your post on their as well as your website.

  14. Learn from Google Webmaster and Analytics

    Google Webmaster and Analytics is free tool that can tell you how your website is performing with great insight and give you the idea how to optimize further.

    Learn how to use Google Webmaster for optimising your website, and improve search engine ranking

  15. Create Good Quality Back links

    Some SEO expert says that Content is King and Backlinks are Queen.

    If you can get some good quality back links, that will help you to get 100x more visitors, on the other hand bad back links can harmful, so be very careful while creating back links, avoid free automation tools for back links. Here are some ideas how you can create great quality backlinks to your website, quality backlinks will help for better SEO rankings, thus get more website traffic.

SEO Guides for Beginners
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