Grow website traffic with SEMrush tools

In this SEMrush tutorial, you learn how to grow website traffic using SEMrush tools effectively, specially SEMrush keyword research tools, SEMrush backlink tools with some must-read ebook for ecommerce growth strategy, competitive SEO research and content marketing tips! keep reading...

You probably already know about SEO audit tool SEMRush, here I will share some aspect of SEMRush usage that helped me optimizing my website better, that may help you too

SEMrush can help you to understand traffic analytics, organic research, backlink audit, on page SEO etc, the tool will cost you 99$ per month for regular subscription, you can have Get One Month Free Trail to SEMrush PRO to experience the details analytics report for one specific domain.

SEMrush SEO Keyword Research Analytics

Here in this Semrush tutorial I will explain two crucial aspect of growing your website traffic using this SEO tool.

  1. Keyword Analysis
  2. On Page Optimization

SEMrush SEO Keyword Research

Earlier I shared free keyword research tools that can help you finding right competitive keywords for your website.

SEMrush keyword tool provides an easy mechanism to find long trail keywords for your website, which can be comparatively easy to rank in search engine

This tool not only find the right keywords for you but also tell you what would be the volume of traffic for that specific keywords, you should try using low volume keywords where you face less competition.

semrush keywords research

If you notice in above keyword search result in each row there is volume of search and result of search, so you can understand the completion, now start optimizing your page accordingly, also remember that number of back links on that page will matter a lot, in on page optimization SEMrush also recommend which are the relevant sites you should get back links from.

If you are entering new market or launching your blog targeting any particular niche, quick way to get success is to find low competitive keywords which are easy to rank in search engine result.

How to find Low Competition Keywords

In SEO, low hanging fruit are always easy to grab, here in SEMRush tool you can find those keywords that can get you targeted clients easily.

Try 30 Days Free Trail to SEMrush PRO

  • Build your keyword list:

    After signin, click on "Keyword Gap" from left navigation. this tool will allow you to do a full analysis of your keyword with competitor's keywords.

    • Enter your competitor’s domain to check what the top keywords they are ranking for, you can add multiple competitor's url
  • Expand keyword list
  • Find keywords for less competition and high volume, Look for keywords with KD% less than 60, then sort by volume to find high volume and low difficulty opportunities, you can save your research.
semrush organic research

semrush organic keywords research

After first or second round of optimization, you may be interested to know what type of progress your website is making, and that data will help you to think better for further optimization.

Semrush organic research tools brings up organic search result with great level of detailing like keywords, volume, CPC, organic position distribution etc.

Try One Month Free Trail to SEMrush PRO

Each information will help you to optimize the website for better results, the tool also show you the top competitor of your website and how they are ranking for those similar keywords, that will give you change to study your competitors strategy and implement the best for your website.

SEMrush On Page SEO Ideas

Let's start with On-Page SEO, which is one of the most important factors in online business success, SEMrush on page checker has done a great job in finding out what all things to be improved on a specific page.

Once you login to your SEMrush dashboard, you will get on-page SEO link on your left hand side navigation, which will take to the page below.

You can set you top most important pages to get optimization ideas, the tool will generate ideas which can boost up traffic up to 1000% percent (as they claim), but surely will help to optimize pages using their ideas. With free trial version you can get ideas for 10 pages.

semrush onpage seo tool

Crucial Info that Help in Website Ranking

Enrich your page content with some very important keyword phrase that your competitors are using, these keywords are suggested based on analysis from top 10 competitors, and will surely add some more value to on-page SEO

You probably already know that back links are one of the very important factors in search engine ranking, but knowing which back linking are most relevant and help the most is very important.

Click on "Semantic Ideas" on your "On Page SEO" report

semrush keywords research

Knowing what exactly to be changed in On-Page SEO is one of the key factors in SEO success, SEMrush brings up some of such crucial information that will save your lots of time and money; don't just believe in my words, experience it with One Month Free Trail of SEMrush PRO if you like you can continue with 99$ per month package, you need to pay annually.

Download eBooks

Do you want to grow you eCommerce business online? You should download and read following ebooks

SEMrush backlink tool provide you a quick overview of all Backlinks, you will know who are providing links to your website, good back links are really helpful for SEO, but at the same time you must indentify bad Backlink also, because they are very harmful for your search engine rankings. Bad back links bring down your ranking and traffic drastically.

So, to identify them, you can open each back link source in a new browser to see what type of pages are they, if it looks meaningless, irrelevant and spam, you can add them to disallow list.

The tool will allow you to add all bad back links to the list, then you finally copy the list to disavow file, finally can upload to Google webmaster disavow tool.


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