How to become recruiter - professional recruitment

Become a professional recruiter, you also can work from home as freelancer!

Recruitment is an Art; and this can be very exciting career opportunities, So get ready!

In today’s first moving life, travelling to office everyday takes away huge time and energy, and the horrible traffic jam makes life more tougher, that’s why many companies allow their employees to work from home, specially for job like recruitment, so if you are a professional recruiter you also can work as a freelancer with multiple companies.

Become a Recruitment Consultant

Why recruitment is becoming an exciting career opportunities?

Because of very competitive business and on growing demand of technologies, finding talents is becoming a talent, and it's really challenging.

Think of any business house, how they run business? Their people are their strength; every single resource makes an impact on their business growth, so finding the right person for every position is must, the business success will depend how well they execute their day to day tasks.

So to find right people for the organization every organization hire special set of people as recruiters or recruitment specialist, and many organizations outsource the recruitment task.

Why should I become a professional recruiter?

There are few very strong reason why you can think of choosing a career as professional recruiter, let me explain

  • Recruitment is a noble profession
    This is really a noble profession, as a recruiter your job is to find talented people and connect them with right opportunities, in other sense you are helping many people to become successful in life, and that gives a fantastic feeling of helping someone. So after getting a job when someone thanks you, that will touch your heart.
  • Endless opportunities for recruitment professionals
    Because of business are becoming more technology centric, so finding technology expert and domain expert for every business becoming very challenging day by day and on growing business demand creating endless opportunities for recruitment professionals
  • Work from home opportunities
    Professional recruitment skill gives you opportunities to work from home. Many women find Recruitment is one of the best career options because of "working from home" advantage, that really makes life little more easy.
What skills do i need to have as a professional recruiter?
  1. Communication Skill:

    To build a successful career as recruiter one must have very good communication skill and a basic bachelor degree.

  2. Education:

    Good Education is necessary, becasue most of the time either you will be explaining or listening to someone, naturally people love to interact with educated, well behaved, sober people.

  3. Recruiter Voice Tonality:

    Voice Tonality plays a key role in communication and the command over the language. Study says that a good voice and the language draw additional attention of listeners and respond more to them, as a result success ratio become little higher in recruitment.

  4. Subject matter Expertise:

    You should have good knowledge about the subject or content of the field you are hiring for, the better you can explain the job role to jobseeker , the more chance they get attracted to the job role, thus brings you more success.

  5. Human Psychology for Recruitment:

    You should have strong ability to understand job seekers tendency based on how they talk, there are situation when you need to ask additional questions to reconfirm your understanding about their challenges and what they will be fit for!

  6. Patience:

    You must have patience, in recruitment you may need to call many people multiple times for getting them on board / interview etc. You are the point of contact for employers, interviewer and job seeker, so you are responsible for getting the entire process done.

  7. Be Cheerful:

    Always be cheerful when you meet people, remember you are in people business, so your positive vibes will make a difference in your business, your personal problem should never get reflected on your body language

  8. Subject matter expertise

    You need to be subject matter expert in some domain, like recruiting for Oil and Gas companies will be very different experience than recruiting for software development companies.

    So when you talk to people for hiring you should have some basic knowledge about that industry terminology and requirement, because they may ask some cross question, you should be able to answer

Professional Recruitment is an Art of matching demand and supply of Human Resource for any business organization

How to get freelance recruitment work from reputed companies

If you are trying to be freelance recruiter for the first time then it may take some time to get your first assignment, but follow the steps below, you will get some work soon

  • First create or update your Linkedin profile, saying that you are freelance recruiter, specify some domain you want to work for!
  • Create a simple blog (it’s free ) with your professional details and photograph, and a small write-up will be good.
  • Provide your contact information like email and mobile number (you should not share your personal number, use a separate number only for professional work)
  • Don’t forget to set a nice picture on your blog with your logo or some professional service name or registered company name (in you have ).
  • Now start sharing this blog on all social media, with all your friends, your ex-bosses / colleagues, wherever you can, let everyone know that you have started working as freelance recruiters
Build HR recruitment business as a professional recruiter
You can start your own business as a professional recruiter

You can start your own business as a Professional HR Recruiter, Become your own boss and build HR Recruitment Company

After working for few years as HR Recruiter you can think of providing recruitment service independently.

Here are the few steps How to build Professional HR Recruitment Service

  • Finalize your Recruitment Service Name ( for example TalentsHunt.Com ), the name you choose, will become your brand
  • Create a website with same name and deploy an Applicant Tracking System (ATS), the ATS will make your service look very professional, also will help to get more potential clients

    ats recruitment software development

    A good customised Applicant Tracking System can help building your recruitment business and reputation at 10x speed.

  • Remember you need jobseekers and clients to build your business efficiently, so start marketing your recruiting service as early as possible, here are the few things may help.

    • Invite potential client to post job requirement at your ATS system.
    • Encourage job seekers to apply through your ATS system and update their profile.
    • Spread your service awareness in social media.

Become Professional Recruiter, You can make lots of money

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