Free keyword research tools for SEO

Keyword planner - Finding right keyword for your product or services is very important, here are some techniques and keyword research tools that can help you in SEO planning 2024 .

Best Keyword research tools for Website

Have just launched a new website? Or trying to improve the performance of your existing website? You must know the right keywords that can help you succeed in search result.

You might have already experienced that it takes lots of time to define the whole system, from design, development, content creation and the business development strategy.

Here are some best keyword research tools on internet, that can help to find right keywords for your business. So let's take advantage of these free keyword tools to fetch maximum traffic from search engines

If you want to learn keyword research master tricks, then please sign up for this free keyword research course, absolutely free enrolment!

Top 10 Keyword research tools

Keyword planning is very important, Knowing the right keywords will decide the success in your online business.


    a Free Keyword Tool that helps to discover and export new keywords and performance data for Google Ads and Bing Ads.

    wordstream free keyword tool

    Wordstream is a free Keyword Tool makes it fast and easy to find the keywords your business needs to drive traffic through organic and paid search.

  2. SEMrush keyword magic tool
    SEMrush Keyword Magic Tool

    SEMrush provides fantastic keywords research facility, very easy way to find out long trail keywords where competition is less and easy to rank in search engine, so for any small business owner this can be the best option rather than depending on any marketing agency

    semrush keywords research tool

    Learn more about how to use SEMRush keyword research tools or join SEMRush keyword research course for free!


    This is one of my favourite keyword research tool, very easy to use and effective, it suggest hundred of relevant keywords that are matching with your target keywords , also tells you the volume of search for each keywords.

    This is one of the best Keyword Planner that suggest keywords for different search engine and different country

    The free version offers users 15 keyword suggestions, which is good to start with!

  4. Soovle Keywords Tool
    Soovle Keywords Tool

    Soovle Keywords Research Tool will tell you any keyword combination for not only google but also for many big websites and search engine.

    The search results shows many different combination with specified keywords for different search engine, you’ll probably find a few suggestions that make sense for your website.

  5. Moz Keyword Explorer
    Moz Keyword Explorer

    This tool is very useful when you want to find some closely related keywords, means you get some smart keyword suggestions that you probably will not find anywhere else, and from the suggestion some keyword you may find very relevant and easy to rank in search result.

    This tool also provide feature like how many clicks you can expect from your target keyword.

    moz keyword research tool

    Moz Keyword Explorer, One tool to discover and prioritize the best keywords to target, the tool provide Free Trial for 30 days.

    You need to register to use Moz Keyword Explorer to discover the best keywords to target for a limited free trial

  6. Google Search Console
    Google Search Console Keywords

    Though Google Search Console is not a typical keyword research tool, but this tool can give you perfect idea about how you can find relevant keywords, and what exact keywords people are searching for!

    Learn how to use Google Search Console effectively to find competitive keywords free!

  7. Google AdWords / Keyword Planner
    Google AdWords / Keyword Planner

    Google keyword planner can help finding profitable keywords, this tool will help to get some keyword idea from Google’s massive keyword database.

    Google Keyword Planner is a good choice when starting a new site for many obvious reasons. this tool suggest you many opportunity keywords.

    Learn more about Google Keyword Planner

  8. Seobook Keyword Tool
    Seobook Keyword Tool

    Seobook Keyword Tool is a very good Keyword research tool for creating SEO strategy for your website

    As you can see in above keyword search result, it shows different keywords combination for different search engines with approx monthly volume and CPC cost. this would be great help to plan your website SEO strategy

  9. Ahrefs Tools
    ahrefs Tool

    ahrefs is a very good keywords research tool to grow your search traffic, know your competitors and monitor your niche.

    ahrefs keyword tool

    This keyword research tool provides you super in-depth information on each keyword you want to target and similar competitive keywords ranking details, you will get details like how many searchers actually click on result for any keyword search.

  10. Kwfinder Keyword Tool
    Kwfinder Keyword Tool

    Find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty, this tool will find keywords that you can easily rank for, Kwfinder Keywords Finder is good for your business to find profitable keywords .

How to do keyword research for best SEO result

Already we have shared all good keyword research tools available on internet, but only knowing tools may not be sufficient, there are some certain techniques you need to know about how to choose keywords for your business.

Keyword research is a combination of using tools and analyzing different aspect of your online business. So to get the best result of SEO please consider following points.

  • Write down all the keyword you often heard from your potential buyers and the keywords that term your type of business.
  • Write down some of your potential competitor's keywords.
  • Now make a combine list of all above keywords and divide them into two categories, hot key words (highly competitive), and long trail keywords (low volume search).
  • Now understand that hot keywords will fetch you high quality traffic, but very difficult to rank, but long trail keywords will get you less number of traffic and easy to rank in search engine, you need to create content considering both factors.
  • Use those keywords for on page SEO techniques powerfully


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