Trendy web designing skills to learn

Want to learn Web designing? Then you must know which the technology skills are in demand! Here in this post i will highlight all important technologies you must learn to become an good web designer.

Here are some of the trendy web designing technologies that you should think of learning to become a good web designer, web designing is now becoming more challenging and advanced, now every small business going online and doing serious business on web, and demanding more professional, trendy, interactive and responsive websites.

web designing skills for students

Latest Web Designing Tutorials, Course, Technologies and Career Opportunities

A "Good Web Designing" is all about "Visualization of Business Success"

Web designing is becoming more advanced with use of multiple cross platform technologies, due to high demand of business simulation model; there so many things are considered for designing an impactful web page.

In today’s competitive business world web designing is not that simple as it looks like, So to become a good web designer one must have some certain skill set, and must know how to apply them for best business impact!

Recently we had a conversation with a group of college students, the discussion was like what skillset will make someone a good web designer.

What are the web designing technologies, scripting one need to know to become and good web designer, so I thought of writing this web designing tutorials overview, hope this will help many who has similar questions!

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Think like a good web designer

Before we start talking about web designing technologies, let's streamline our thought process as a web designer, how to think! Here are few points to consider..

  • Understand the business goal first! Why you are designing the webpage, what are you trying to communicate!
  • Don’t do something just because your similar business website has done that, understand the positioning, so putting up all element like big business website may not make you successful
  • User Experiences is very important, you must think like an end user of the webpage you are designing, think what would be easy to navigate, how would someone enjoy clicking and reading any element of the page.

    Through your design and navigation, you must be able to drive user towards the goal, if anything distract that flow, just remove them.

    Just think of real-time scenario how you interact when someone ask for kids wear in your store, what would you show them, nothing other than kids wear, right! No matter how many different things you have, pay complete attention to buyer’s need.

    Understanding of buyer’s psychology would help you to think of a better web page

HTML is the basic of web designing, but there are many advanced tags have been introduced in HTML, You should learn how to use those tags and what are the best way to write HTML Tags.

Hope you already know html, if not then start learning HTML and HTML 5 first.

Best CSS framework to learn

One must have good understanding of CSS syntax, CSS is basic need of web designer, though there are many ready to use CSS Framework that helps creating interactive and responsive web page designing, still one must know the syntax, because in many situation you need to change the design of any class or elements.
Here are few popular CSS Framework that most of the web designers experiment with!

  • Bootstrap
    Bootstrap is widely accepted CSS Framework by web designers, there are many ready-to-use classes for webpage, slippers, navigation menus, paging, list view etc, which helps creating a responsive web page very first.
    Challenging side of using bootstrap framework is that when you want to make something different than specified in framework classes, that’s become little tough.
  • Bulma
    Bulma is a free, open source CSS framework, Bulma classes are very easy to use and fully responsive
    <a class="button">Button</a>
    <a class="button is-large">Button</a>
    <a class="button is-large is-primary">Button</a>
  • Foundation
  • UIkit
  • Semantic UI
  • Susy
  • Materialize
  • Skeleton
    Skeleton was designed for tiny or small projects that need little more than layouts and positioning.
Best javascript framework to learn

JavaScript is basically a scripting language used for form validation and client side functionality development, but there are much more to do with different browsers, device, making Ajax call and even with server side scripting can be done using JavaScript, can work with different technologies and scripting languages like asp, php, python, java etc, JavaScript has no limitation.

As a web designer you can do a lot using JavaScript, can be very useful for creating great user experience.
Here are few very popular JavaScript frameworks.

  • JQuery
    Jquery is widely used framework used by web designers, using Jquery you get many UI related functionality done just by writing few lines of code. Jquery provide many library with huge number of ready to use function, very easy to work with CSS class to make a interactive, multiple device compatible web page.
  • Angular.js
    Angular JS is a very powerful JavaSript framework , the best for Single Page Application(SPA), Using AngularJs you can extends JavaScript DOM
  • React.js
    React is a very powerful JavaScript library used for building user interface of web applications. React was initially developed and maintained by Facebook, later used in their products like WhatsApp and Instagram.
    Now it is an open source project with an active developer community. Popular websites like Netflix, Airbnb, Dropbox and many more use React to build their UI. React is the ‘V’ in the MVC
  • Vue.js
  • Backbone.js
  • Ember.js
  • NodeJS
    Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment, it can execute JavaScript code outside of a browser
  • TypeScript
    TypeScript is going to have a very strong impact in future web development, will have a very long journey because of two reasons.
    1. JavaScript is very much compatible with almost all major web development technologies, and widely used for cross platform interaction
    2. Current version JavaScript has limitation for object oriented programming
    And, that’s where TypeScript fills the gap in very efficient way
Web API for Web designing

As a web designer many times you may come across situation when you want to pass user data to server or fetch data from server using JavaScript, so you must know how to consume Web API and use in JavaScript .

Web API can be written in different languages, but finally they receive and send data in form of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). This will help you to design a very compact UI that end user would love to play with! And create a fantastic experience for them, thus improve the business effectiveness.

Job of a Successful Web Designer
If you are passionate about web designing for success, then you must understand the whole lifecycle, at least how user would use the interface you design, and how often they come back and fall in love.

Don’t just design a web page, Make an Impact!
Finally, here are the thumb rules for successful web designing, must follow!
  1. Business goal to be communicated clearly
  2. Make web page search engine friendly, no traffic= no business
  3. Should be responsive, multiple device compatible (mobile, tablet, laptop etc)
  4. Speed is very important, should load quickly
  5. Graphical beautification helps, should look clean and professional

Web Design Short Course Online Best Web Designing Training for Beginners

This web designing tutorials will surely guide you to make a successful web designing career in this competitive world.

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