SEO Tutorial for Beginners step by step

This Free SEO Tutorial for Beginners will guide you to learn Search Engine Optimization step by step with some real-time examples.

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization often termed as SEO, is a group of synchronised technique, that helps optimising any web site to appear in search result of various search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, HotBot, Altavista etc.

SEO is one of the most important metrics in any business to grow online, Here we share some proven techniques that grows website traffic and conversions.

You must read till the end, may be few number of times,
I have consolidated almost everything you need to know about SEO with examples.

Why to Learn SEO

SEO is programming without coding, telling search engines about your website.

In this SEO tutorial we want you to understand few basic fundamental of Search Engine Optimization and how that will help to grow any online business.

There are many different aspect of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), You can simply start with On-Page optimization guide, then learn more about SEO link building, technical seo, on-page seo, keyword research, rank tracking, content optimization, backlink analysis on your own and make your SEO successful. don’t need to hire any agency.

Practical SEO Success Rules

Here are some thumb rules you must follow while designing SEO Strategy for any Website

  1. Content comes first, You must create good quality content of your product and service, which will help any visitors to know about your products, educate them rather than trying to sell repeatedly.
  2. Search engine is second important factors to be considered, So, do some research on keywords, find long term keywords, those are easy to rank for, then high volume keywords, mix with your content in right proportion.
  3. User experience is third most important factors, Now focus on navigation, how user will love to see, how they find things easily!
  4. Responsiveness comes fourth, page must be responsive and mobile friendly, It should load quickly, nowadays everyone uses mobile internet, so make sure pages are mobile compatible.
  5. Page Beautification is fifth important, page look matters, Now put up nice images that convey your business, use right color combination, font size that are easy to read and looks nice.
  6. Then add up anything that makes the page more attractive, but make sure that should not slow down the loading time
Learn SEO for Small Business

Create content that someone would enjoy reading, put search engine optimization on second priority, Content should be very relevant to product or service.

Keep it simple,Keep it as simple as possible, use easy word and the terminology, think how your potential buyer speak

Just remove anything that slow down your web site, speed is very important in success of web business; no one will wait to see how beautiful picture you have put, so keep it light and fast. Use Gtmetrix to check your website speed

Here are some points you should focus on.
  • Understand the business well, what products / service you want to sell etc.
  • Find our right keywords for those products/ service, do some research on keywords
  • Do some investigation on competitors, what and how they are selling their products online
  • Analyse how different are your offerings! Why should buyers come to a new brand like you.
  • Is there anything you can offer free to attract buyers, or some discount ?
How Implement SEO?

Below are some of the important checklist for SEO, also can read SEO strategies for ecommerce business owner.

  • XML Sitemap Generator
    Creating right xml sitemap is very important for seo, do it after all pages are created successfully.
  • Google Search Console
    Learn how to add your website in google search console and analyze search data.
  • Meta tags, meta description
    Setting right page header and meta tags inside head section for each pages, learn heading tags importance in SEO ranking.
  • Find Keywords using keyword research tools
    Selecting right keywords for each page will help you to grow quickly
  • Create Robots.txt file
    Create a robots.txt file in root of your website, and exclude folders, that you want not to be searched by search engine.
    User-agent: * 
    Disallow: /bin/ 
    Disallow: /Configs/ 
    Disallow: /docs/ 
    Disallow: /Areas/ 
    Disallow: /mailformat/ 
    Disallow: /App_Code/
  • Mobile Friendly Test
    Make sure your pages are mobile friendly and responsive.
  • Website Speed Test
  • Google Analytics
    Learn how to implement google analytics and it's data.
  • Like google seach console, you should add your site to Bing webmaster tools.
Why all above activities required for SEO ?

You need to perform those activities, so that Search Engine can find you site on internet, If search engines can't find you, then your website just a stand-alone piece of work, will never get you any business.

How do search engines work?

There are three major milestones for any search engine.

  • Crawling website:
    Crawling is basically finding new content on internet, content can be anything webpage, images, video, ppt, pdf etc.
  • Indexing website:
    Indexing is the process of adding quality meaningful content to database, Google adds all content to a huge database called Caffeine indexing system.
  • Ranking website:
    Ranking is the process of prioritizing the best quality content on first page; ranking depends on many parameters, which you learn in this SEO Tutorial
Take right SEO decision

Blindly do not hire a SEO Agency, just because they are saying they can do SEO for you, especially who says they can guarantee high ranking for your website in Google's search results, say No to them, because there is no such magic.

Rather you read, learn, understand and implement, it may take some time, but you surely be successful, if you want, you can join a quick SEO Course, also can hire our digitalization expert, We alawys help you to implement SEO best practice

Best SEO Tools available on Internet

Here are some very informative websites to learn search engine optimization

Check SEO Courses Training and Certification from top experts around the world.