Professional blogging tips for earning online

Do you want to learn blogging? Are you thinking of joining some blogging course? You can learn everything online just from your comfort-zone.

Do you know your passion about blogging can become fulltime profession? Yes, it works, Here are some ideas how you can become a pro blogger and earn money from blogging, professional blogging as business can make you rich and famous! you don’t need to do any professional blogging course.

I can tell you that creating your online presence on a blog or on a website is very simple, fun, and rewarding. Here are few free blogging sites to start with.

Create profitable blog for making money

As I said, blogging is very simple to start with, but if you are thinking of making money, you need to be really serious, should be willing to work hard, blogging is very competitive, there are millions of bloggers are trying to make money online, and very few of them are successful.

So, here are some tips for professional blogging

Choose Right Blogging Topics

Some of you may be professional writer, in that case you already know about the topics or subject you will be writing on, but I think most of you may not know where to start, so here i am trying to give you some idea.

Choosing a topic of your interest may be easy, but sometimes that can be confusing, there may be a situation you feel like what to write? Will I be successful? Will people like my writing? etc.

So, remember that you are not blogging just because your friend earning money for blogging, or you just read a news blogger buys a new expensive car, Yes, from blogging many people have been extremely successful and making huge money, but, passion first, money will follow. Write something that you feel you someone would enjoy reading, and you can write endlessly on that topic without getting bored, Choose something you have interest and enjoy writing.

Below are some of the hot topics.
  • Sports
  • Music
  • Politics
  • Travel
  • Food
  • Fashion
  • Creative Writing

Whatever you write, just be honest, reader would enjoy that, topic really doesn’t matter, as long as you can make things interesting.

But, to rank in SEO, a single topic blog is much easier to rank high than multi topic blog.
Professional Blogging is an Art
Learn the Art of Story Telling

Blogging is not just about publishing informative content; successful blogging is more about story telling.

No matter what the content is, how you present them in front of audience, that will differentiate you from other bloggers, so, through your blog, you are talking to millions of potential readers.
Just imagine! you are explaining something to a group of people face to face; you have to say it in such a way so that they become spellbound! say it from heart, show your confidence like a subject matter expert!

Select a good domain name for your blog

A good domain name will play key role in blog marketing, Be creative, think hard :) Keep it short, should be easy to remember.

Choose a clean template

Keep the template simple sober, light color, should be smoothing to read, Use classy bright pictures relevant to your content, avoid any dark background color.

Just think , when you are reading a webpage content, how you like it. Or when you visit somebody’s home, if everything is organise and clean, you feel fantastic...Right! So your blog is like your online home, and you want visitor should come back again and again

Keep the font size standard, should be easy to read. Though content is king, but if the professional blog layout is classy, that would be added advantage. Make sure your blog pages remain uniform.

Add social sharing buttons

You must add the social sharing button on your professional blog that will give reader a chance to share it, and more they share the content the more successful your professional blog is .

Add a subscription option

Keep a subscription option for reader, so they can subscribe to your blog, and you can email them when you publish your next article on professional blog.

Blog Marketing, Search Engine Optimization

This is very crucial, Reason behind most of the bloggers fail or don’t earn enough money from professional blog, because of marketing technique, either they don’t market or they don’t know how to market

SEO and Social Marketing plays key role in success of professional blog. You should read how to optimize a webpage for search engine.

Post Attractive Post Title

Whenever you post something make sure blog post title is attractive, firstly the title will catch attention of potential reader and secondly key words in title will help in SEO a lot.

This is one of the top secret of professional blogging, if notice any successful blogging platform, you will see each post title is very unique, catchy and compact, The more creative the title is more click will get.

So, do some research on title, each time you post a blog.
Keep posting fresh trendy content with picture

Keep posting fresh and trendy content, the more often you post new content, more visitor you get and will have high change to rank well in SEO.
You can check Google Trends about latest trends for your subjects or business.

Post a nice picture with each post, one picture says thousands words, and it draws 10x more attention.

Make sure blog is Mobile and Tablet compatible

Multi device compatibility, make sure your blog pages are responsive, It’s very important that your professional blog should be compatible with mobile and tablet device, because a major percentage of user will come from there.

Share on social media & Invite friends

Every post must share on social media and invite friends, because those are the first direct authentic source of making your blog popular.

Implement Google Adsense & Affiliate Marketing

Once you start getting traffic, you can implement ways to make money.

Google Adsense : It’s very easy to implement and start earning some money, Read how to implement Google Adsense

Affiliate Marketing : this can fetch you good money, but you need to understand how they pay. Read more about affiliate marketing here.

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