Digital marketing tips for small business

In my earlier post I shared few important aspects of digital marketing, and here are some digital marketing tips for small business owners and internet marketing professionals.

Digital Marketing is the key of success for any small business, If you are business owner and thinking of expanding your business online, Here are some digital marketing strategy that you should learn to grow online business

  • Start with Your Website
  • Think like a Local Business Owner
  • Create Great Quality Content
  • Be Social, Use Social Media Marketing Channels for Your Business
  • Be Creative and Simple
  • Do Research on Keywords
  • Do Email Marketing, Don't Send Blind eMails
  • Use Free Advertisement & Spend Carefully
  • Backlink building, Guest blogging, Keep reading
  • Create Sitemap & Rss feed
  • WhatsApp Marketing
  • Instagram Marketing to Attract Trendy Buyers

Digital marketing strategy for startup business

here are more in details that help you building your own digital marketing strategy for growing business online.

  1. Start with Your Website

    Start with a simple Website with one or two pages, don't spend too much at first time, because many things people do may be useless for your business, so learn slowly what will help your business.

    Till you are not sure about what all things you want to put on your website, keep it as simple as possible, you also can start with two simple paragraph of “what you want to offer” and “what are you looking for” , just one or two simple picture or graphic should be enough, don’t spend on logo designing , just write your company name or your own name.

  2. Think like a Local Business Owner

    Try to reach local buyer first, because they will give you direct feedback for your business service and products, You will learn a lot from them, also get new ideas, knowingly or unknowingly they will share lots of crucial information about your business areas.

    Register your business in Google My Business and Bing places for business. this will help to attract local buyers.

  3. Create Great Quality Content

    Content Marketing is one of the key elements that will bring you success in online marketing. Write original content, details about your products or services, Keep updating them regularly
    Spending some money to get a good content writer will give you good return in long run.

  4. Be Social, Use Social Media Marketing Channels for Your Business

    Social Media can help you to grow your business from day one. use social media right way, create small picture with story line of your product and service, and keep sharing them on social media on regular basis, participate in other's post discussion.

    Make sure you create your business profile in all social media before sharing any information. learn social media marketing strategy

  5. Be Creative and Simple

    Visual presentation of elements of your site should be creative, bringing visitors to a new site is tough , so make sure when some visitor visit your site once, they should remember you, you also want to maintain their attention so they come back again. So, use right logo, font, or color scheme, those are very important.

    Make it simple, so it would be easy for visitor to remember why they are visiting your site! Keep your service offerings and products you want to sell just when page is loaded, it should be easy to click. Don't put too many things on your page, visitor may get confused.

    Nerver use all capitals for any sentence "NEVER"
  6. Do Research on Keywords

    Identifying right Keywords for your business is very important, do some research with the help of keywords research tool , narrow down keywords to avoid competition with big website, make the keyword for local search by adding your place name, which will help to achieve success easily.
    Try to use those keywords in url design, headings, alt, title etc.

  7. Do Email Marketing, Don't Send Blind eMails

    Don't buy email database to grow your business, don't send emails to purchased emails, that never works, just waste of time and money, that may also spoil the reputation of your brand and domain.

    However, email marketing is very powerful and cost effective, so try to capture email ids by creating a subscription option on your webpage, send them clean newsletter about your offers / products etc. once or twice a month.
    Remember, Subject line plays very important role while sending newsletter, be creative while creating a subject line

  8. Use Free Advertisement & Spend Carefully

    Wherever possible join platform for free advertisement site like VAdsN.Com, post nice content with catchy headline there, so people come and check your site. Avoid paid advertisement, unless you have plenty of money to spend on Ads, remember small amount of money may not get you any result.

  9. Backlink building, Guest blogging, Keep reading

    Keep on building back links from good PR sites, Back links will help you in search engine ranking.

    Try micro blogging on other sites, don't directly promote your service there, sometimes not talking about own service is the best way to promote service, talk about others product and services.

    Learn backlink building strategy

  10. Create Sitemap & Rss feed

    Create a sitemap and submit in Google Webmaster & Bing Webmaster, this way your webpage will get indexed in Google and Bing search engine.

    Also use "fetch as google" & "fetch as bing" for all main pages for quick indexing , Submit your RSS feed in “feedburner”

  11. WhatsApp Marketing

    Create a nice image-layout with compact content, that convey that best your business, keep joining whatsApp group from relevant social media sources like Facebook, LinkedIn etc. Keep posting your message with image and website url every week. Don’t overdo it (people may feel irritated), it will be good to use a different business phone number for this type of whatsapp group, so you don’t need to share your personal number, just to avoid any irrelevant inquiry comes in.

    WhatsApp Marketing for small business is very efficient; it helps you to get in touch with potential buyers much quicker than other medium, (though this statement may differ depending on business nature).

  12. Instagram Marketing to Attract Trendy Buyers

    Instagram Marketing can be good for small business, especially if you are dealing with trendy fashionable products, it’s meant for quick update, in Instagram marketing the picture you post that plays the key role in success of each post, So, make sure your creative is really good to get attention for viewer, and post a small content mix with # hashtag, use the correct hashtag.

Best Digital Marketing Tips for Growing Business Online

If you implement all above digital marketing strategy, your business will surely grow online, you will see huge growth in visitor’s enquiry, eventually that will grow sales and profit

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