Top Free Blogging Sites 2024

Do you know! you can create free blog and make money online! if you want to build professional career in blogging, Here are some most popular blogging platforms you should look at, yes, you can start building your blog without spending a single penny, absolutely free!

If you are looking for some free blogging sites to start blogging career or as a hobby, then here are few best blogging sites that allow you to create free blog for your business promotion, some of them also allow you to integrate Google Adsense to earn money

best free blog sites for beginners

Though there are many blogging platforms, but most of them don't have enough features that we need for professional blogging, so thought of guiding you to choose right blogging platform, Here are some of the best blogging platform that allow you to customize everything as per your need, best fit for professional blogging.

Before you go for professional business website development, blogging is the best way to get connected with virtual world, in blogging platform many things you get free, where in case of website development you have to pay for every single functionality you want to develop, apart from that maintenance is another big challenge, if you don’t have technical expertise then you have to depend on someone who knows that technologies, in case of blogging platform you get a huge online community support for almost all professional blogging platform, blog is easy to promote in social media compare to your custom made website.

So let’s check one of your favourite blogging platforms from list below, and start your blogging journey.

  • Create blog with Wordpress

    WordPress is the world largest blogging platform; there are two wordpress platform, [free] and [paid hosting]

    create wordpress blog

    In wordpress you will get everything you can think of your blogging platform, and super easy to use, there are many paid plug-in as well. is good for personal blogging, if you are first time bloggers, this will be good platform to start with and get familiar with wordpress admin functionalities

    If you want to go for paid wordpress version, there is a very cheap hosting fee around $2.95 / month for basic plan that comes with many features like, a free domain name with free SSL, 50GB of disk space, unmetered bandwidth, and 100MB of email storage per account.

    You will always have full control over your blog, because will allow you to download open source code (written in PHP), you can modify as per your need, so if you want to make money from your blog, this is the best plan to go for. Wordpress is the best professional blogging site.

  • Create Free Blog with Wix

    Wix provide very powerful blog building functionality, one of the best blogging platforms even for non technical people, you can learn everything just by drag and drop, rich editor, image uploading, positioning is just click easy, It provides many beautiful website template. you can make 100% search engine friendly web site.

    create wix blog

    Wix is completely free, but there are paid options also, if you upgrade to Premium Plan, then it gives you access to additional features like connecting a domain name, removing Wix Ads and some additional storage and bandwidth.

  • Medium Blog Best for Writer

    Medium., A blogging platform best suitable for writer, so if you are professional writer then this platform can help to get reach a huge audience for each of your post , the platform is visited by 80 million readers per month, where they just visit to read content.

    This platform is super easy to use; note, if you want to make your blog with customised colourful web template like many other blogging platform, then this may not be platform for you, in this platform only content matters.

  • Blogger - A Blogging Platform by Google

    Blogger is one of the oldest free blogging platforms by Google, You can login with your Gmail id, and start creating a blog. and you can also create multiple blog with same login id, for each blog you can choose different theme, very easy to use and manage them, it also allow you to add multiple authors for each blog.

    There are many free templates available, and very easy to setup custom features, like you can add additional panel on left, right or bottom, there you can add any image, html code, JavaScript code etc. Super easy for new blogger to start with!

    Blogger platform is good for personal blogging , and advantage is each post get indexed by Google very easily, though it’s a very stable and big blogging platform, still is not chosen by many professional blogger, they feel the platform is not for professional blogging.

  • Blogging platform Tumblr

    Tumblr is another popular blogging sites on the web. This blogging platform is little different in nature, this blogging platform is more social media oriented, here everything you post immediately get published among viewer, you can use hashtag to focus on intended target audience

    blog with tumblr

    It provides multiple post formats for different types of content, so while posting you can choose the right one for your post, tumblr can be good for social sharing post, though it allows creating a customised url for your blog, still this can’t be compared with other professional blogging platform. it also doesn’t allow display ads on your page

  • Blogging site Reddit

    Reddit is known as eye of internet; whatever you post in Reddit is also loved by Google crawler, so there is strong reason to create a blog in this platform, especially if you are in online business.

    Reddit also provides traffic statistics for your blog, some interesting data like “uniques by month” / day, page views by month / day, it also allow to create community, but to create community your blog has to be at least 30days old and should earn enough positive karma ( credibility ) , you also can upgrade to premium version. Reddit post can fetch you good quality traffic to your website

How to finalize your blogging platform

So far we have seen all major blogging sites, now are you ready to start your blog? Here are some points you should consider while finalizing any platform.

  • Why are you blogging? Is it just hobby or time-pass? Or you may take to next level as a future profession? If yes, read further; else enjoy any of above platform
  • Do you have complete control over the blogging platform? In future if you want to enhance or customise some features? Will that platform allow doing so?
  • Can you change the hosting provider in future? Will that platform allow to exit from their panel?
  • How compatible for cross platform integration? What if you want to implement some external API
  • Is there enough technology support or community support for that particular blogging platform?

If you have used any other free blogging site, We would like to learn about your experience, please share with us.

If you want to publish your content online and make money out of it, then start creating free blog, that may be the best way to learn!
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