Mobile friendly website testing tools

If you are into online business or running a website, then you must make sure your website is mobile friendly, because that’s the pillar of success.

How to check if a website is mobile friendly

Have you checked if your webpage is mobile friendly or how it appears on mobile browser? if not then check immediately, if your webpage is not mobile compatible then you will be losing 25% - 45% visitor, and this percentage will be increasing day by day.

In competitive digital marketing we must make sure that our webpage is mobile compatible, mobile friendly webpage gets more viewers from search engine and that helps in Google ranking.

You can check online if your webpage is mobile friendly. Also Learn how you can make your website mobile friendly

Check website mobile friendliness

Here are some free online tools that allow you to check if your website in mobile friendly, will show you result for different type of device and screen resolution.

  1. Google mobile-friendly Test

    Google has a service that let you check the mobile friendliness of your website.

  2. mobiReady

    MobiReady is a very good tool. That let you check website mobile compatible, it provides a free tool for web designers and marketers to test website performance on mobile devices.

    this tool generate a report for your webpage and send to your inbox, the report brings up really good information, that exactly pin point where you need to optimize the page.

  3. Test your mobile speed

    this tool rightly detect mobile version of your webpage and generate a report for you

  4. ResponsiveDesignChecker

    This toll can help you to find if your website is responsive design, on left hand side they have various different type of desktop, where you can select any resolution and check how your page will appear on that screen, they also have different type of tablet and mobile device that let you check the compatibility of your webpage.

    But, this tool cannot differentiate device type and pull the right template of your webpage (if you have different template for different device), so that way it does not show you the right result for mobile device.

Every time you design a web page make sure the page is mobile compatible, if not then you will loosing large number of viewer and potential customer.

How to design mobile friendly website

Here are few simple steps you should consider to make sure you are designing a mobile friendly website, because this will play a key role in digital marketing strategy

check mobile friendliness

  • Make sure your website is fully responsive, if you are not sure what that is! Then check our responsive website designing guide
  • Don’t Use Flash on your webpage, (Flash is also considered as bad for SEO), Because it can slow down page loading time, and when people visiting your page from mobile device they expect it to be faster, otherwise they will leave the site
  • Use bootstrap framework for designing webpage, you will get ready device-friendly CSS class, which are compatible in different devices.
  • Include Viewport Meta Tag. viewport meta tag is define how your website shows up on mobile device. You just need to add the following tag in header section of you page
    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width =device-width, initial-scale=1″>
  • Use reasonably big font for content, and maintain enough line space between two lines, reader should feel easy to ready the content on page.
  • Make sure Button Sizes are Large enough, so user can find it easy to click on touch screen.
  • Minify all Images, scripts and CSS files, and avoid writing on-page css or script, try to reduce the page size as minimum possible.
  • Keep checking mobile friendliness regularly using above tools, so you know if there is any issue on page or something new recommended by tools or best practices.
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