In this tutorial you will learn how to create an ordered list with number, some people call it numbered list also, in this type of list each item come with a sequence number, you also learn HTML description lists.
<ol> <li>Item 1</li> </ol>
Ordered list is very useful element in html designing, whenever you have a list of item to be displayed in order use <OL> element. here we see some html ol tag or ordered list example
Here is code for above order list
<ol> <li>HTML Tutorial </li> <li>Css Tutorial </li> <li>Jquery Tutorial </li> <li>Asp.Net MVC Tutorial </li> <li>Ado.Net Tutorial </li> </ol>
List tag is used when we want to display a list of items on web page, there are different ways we can specify lists of information, here you learn three types of List tags in html.
<ul> <li>Item 1</li> </ul>
UL, LI tag <ul> </ul>
is used when we want to display something in a list
This is how your List, UL, LI tag may look like.
<ul> <li>List Item 1</li> <li>List Item 2</li> <li>List Item 3</li> <li>List Item 4</li> <li>List Item 5</li> </ul>
Html ordered list abc example, Ordered List with type=A
Here is code for above order list type=A
<ol type="A"> <li>HTML Tutorial </li> <li>Css Tutorial </li> <li>Jquery Tutorial </li> <li>Asp.Net MVC Tutorial </li> <li>Ado.Net Tutorial </li> </ol>
<ol type="I"> <li>HTML Tutorial </li> <li>Css Tutorial </li> <li>Jquery Tutorial </li> <li>Asp.Net MVC Tutorial </li> <li>Ado.Net Tutorial </li> </ol>
In description list, we can add description for each item.
The description list is created with <dl>
inside <dl>
element we can have <dt>
element and <dd>
element. Let’s look at the example below.
<dl style="margin-left:50px;"> <dt></dt> <dd>.Net is a web application development framework </dd> <dt>JavaScript</dt> <dd>JavaScript is client-side programming language.</dd> </dl>
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