C# Async Await Example

In this tutorial you will learn how to write Asynchronous method using Async Await in C#

If you are not familiar with using Task then I would say please look at C# Task tutorial with example, that will help you to understand async await better.

public static async void Execute(){ }

In normal scenario when we use any application, click on a button and then wait for result before we can click on some other button or do any other task, so sometimes we get response really first and we don’t really realize the waiting time, but in some task takes really long to complete and get the response back, until the UI (user interface) is not useable, that is synchronous behavior of an application.

What is Async And Await in C# Programming

Asynchronous (Async) is just opposite, means we don’t have to wait for any particular task to finish, we can do some other task on same user interface side by side, which is a fantastic features for user experience.

Asynchronous programming is becoming very popular because of this reason, So the reason we write Asynchronous code that allows multiple things to happen at the same time without blocking user interface.

Here are some keywords you need to know while writing any asyc method

  • task.Wait
    await task
    Wait for a task to complete
  • task.Result
    await task
    Get the result of a completed task
  • Task.WaitAny
    await Task.WhenAny
    Wait for one of a collection of tasks to complete
  • Task.WaitAll
    await Task.WhenAll
    Wait for all tasks of a collection to complete
  • Thread.Sleep
    await Task.Delay
    Wait for a period of time
  • Task constructor
    Task.Run or TaskFactory.StartNew
    Create a new task or execute a task
Async Method Example in C#

First I show you an example how you can run a method asynchronously.
Create a simple console application, then create a class called AsycExample

This is simple method that do some calculation and resturn a int number, but calculation takes time. now we call this method asynchronously so my UI is free for other task

static int Calculate()
// calculate total count of digits in strings.
int size = 0;
for (int z = 0; z < 100; z++)
for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
            string value = i.ToString();
            size += value.Length;
    return size;

Now write a static method and call the above with await Task.Run

public static async void Execute()
// running this method asynchronously.
int t = await Task.Run(() => Calculate());
    Console.WriteLine("Result: " + t);

Now we call the above Execute() method from our console UI, but while waiting for result we should be able to type something on UI.
Let's test

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

If you notice "Hello World" will get printed first, you also can type something while waiting for result.

Here is another example, this loop will run slowly, in between you type something on console, UI is not blocked

public static async Task SlowLoop()
await Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)

In above code instead of using Thread.Sleep(5000); we should have written the following lines

Task wait = Task.Delay(5000);

Output would have been same,
but there is a difference between Thread.Sleep() & Task.Delay()

You should Use Thread.Sleep when you want to block the current thread.
and write Task.Delay when you want a logical delay, without blocking the current thread

C# Async Example 2

Here we have created two simple Async methods to make you understand how async methods working

static void Main(string[] args)
public static async Task Method1()
await Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Method 1 : " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond);
public static async Task Method2()
await Task.Run(() =>
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            Console.WriteLine("Method 2 : " + DateTime.Now.Millisecond);

Now if you execute the above code you may see some result like below.

Notice: above tasks were not really very long, they got executed within few milliseconds (see the millisecond time stamp 524), still you can see the async affect, and second method was not waiting for the first method to be completed, both were getting executed simultaneously (in parallel)

Method 1 : 508
Method 2 : 508
Method 2 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 2 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 1 : 524
Method 1 : 524

You may also read Async Task in Asp.Net MVC

Async Await Example
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