Install Xampp on Windows

Learn how to install xampp on Windows machine, xampp setup on windows step by step.

Installing XAMPP

XAMPP is Apache distribution containing PHP MySQL and Perl. There are packages for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Download XAMPP from apache friends, Download the right version for your operating system; (check 32 bit or 64 bit)

Installation is super easy; once you download the right exe from above location, just execute the exe as administrator.

You will be able to see the interface as given below.

xammp installation guide for windows

Now when you try to start apache and mysql service, you may get some error saying the port is in use by some other service, so apache is not getting started.

So the solution is, just open the apache config file (see the above picture) by clicking on config button, then change the port number to some new port number , suppose the current port is 80, change it to 8082, then access the service on your local browser by typing http://localhost:8082

Do same changes when trying to stat mysql service, if you are getting port number related error.

Seeting MySQL in XAMPP

open the file in "phpMyAdmin" folder, if you have just upgraded myphpadmin then you may not have that file (for obvious reason), because that file contain all config related information, so you have to copy from earlier myphpadmin folder

/* Authentication type and info */
//$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; 
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'cookie'; // Add this line

Now you will see login window, will ask for database username and password, look at the following section on same file , use the same username and password to login

/* User for advanced features */
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = 'pma';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = '';

Access your php admin module from XAMPP http://localhost:8082/phpmyadmin/

mysql login in php admin

Now it will allow you to login and access phpMyAdmin , where you will able to see all database list and complete control panel to manage database objects .

mysql database admin in xampp

At this point you can start creating new database by clicking on +New icon on left hand navigation

You can also reset PhpMyAdmin Root Password

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