C# Task Example

C# Task example, here we learn how to create task and consume task in C# programming. Task comes under Threading namespace, you need to add reference of using System.Threading.Tasks;

Create a simple C# task object without any method

Task t = Task.Delay(100);

There are various ways we can create a task object and assign a long running method in it, let’s learn by example below.

Start a task c#

Create a task object with an Action. When you say Task.Run() it will always take a method name.

Task t1 = Task.Run(()=>Method1());
Here are commonly useful methods in Task
  • Task.Run

    Run method takes an action name as parameter

    Task t1 = Task.Run(()=>Method1());
  • Task.Delay

    Delay method is used when you want some task to be completed after some time delay, you can specify time in milliseconds.

    Task t = Task.Delay(100);

Cerate a simple task as a method.

public Task GetData()
    create a  task object with an Action.
    Task t1 = Task.Run(()=>Method1());
    return t1;

Create a task object of specific data type with an Action. In earlier example, we have seen how to create a task, now we see how to create a task with some specific data type, for example, here I have created a task that will get student information based on student id and return a Student object.

public Task<Student> GetStudent(int studentId)
        create a task object of specific data type with an Action. 
    Task<Student> t1 = Task.Run(() => getStudentInfo(studentId));
    return t1;
Student getStudentInfo(int studentId)
    Student s = new Student();
    //Get student details from database
    return s;

Return custom object list using Task, here in example below I have a student list, so in my function I am returning the student list Task<IList<Student>> GetStudents() from the code below

public Task<IList<Student>> GetStudents()
    Task<IList<Student>> t2 = Task.Run(() => getAllStudents());
    return t2;
IList<Student> getAllStudents()
    IList<Student> s = new List<Student>();
    //Get student details from database
    return s;

to learn more about C# Task, You should also look at following tutorials

C# Task Example
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