AMPPS Setup on Windows Machine

How to install AMPPS on Windows in local machine, here we learn how to install AMPPS and run php or python application in window machine.

What is AMPPS?

AMPPS is a software component that provide solution for Apache, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP, Perl and Python development on Windows, Linux and macOS. AMPPS is a WAMP, LAMP and MAMP stack of Apache, MySQL, MongoDB, PHP, Perl & Python.

AMPPS is often used for developing application on PHP, MySQL applications like Joomla, WordPress, Drupal.

Develop and Execute PHP application on windows machine.

Install and Start Apache server on Windows machine

Step 1:
Click here to Download AMPPS for Windows , Linux or MAC

download aamps for windows

Step 2:
After installing AMPPS, you may get following errors while trying to start Apache server

"Apache port:80 is being used by another application."

To resolve the issue, go to Control Panel => Administrative tool => Services
and stop the "World Wide Web Publishing Service", right click on service and stop.

stop wwwp service on windows
Create local php application on AMPPS

Step 3:
Now your AMPPS is ready, click on start menu and open the AMPPS Application as shown below.

Turn on Apache Server, then you have following four buttons to explore
Options, localhost, Home, Admin

install aamps on windows

Step 4:
Now we have create our own php application from scratch, and to do that we need a simple notepad, or you can download Notepad++

  • Create a project folder in your local drive
  • Inside the folder create a php file, a plain notepad file, save with .php extension
  • Now open the file and just write something like below.
    <?php echo "Hello World, I am learning PHP"; ?>
    Now save and close the file.

Step 5:
Now we have to host the project on AMPPS, to do that click on "Home" icon of you AMPPS app, make sure apache is turned on

ampps create domain

Setup a virtual name for your php project, like "virtualname" below and point domain path to your local directory.

create local php project on aamps

Now your php application is set, you should be able to browse like "http://virtualname/default.php"

You can also reset PhpMyAdmin Root Password

Now start learning Php development step by step. Develop and run php application on windows machine.

Here are more to learn apps.

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