Javascript operators examples

Learn how to use operators in javscript, Assignment operator, Comparison operator, Logical operator, Bitwise operator, Arithmetic operator in Javascript.

JavaScript Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used when we want to assign some value to a variable.

At the time of assignment, we can use the current value and then increment or decrement the assigned value.

  • =
    assigning the right side value to variable in left side
    a = b, means assigning the value of b to a
  • +=
    current value + new value
    var a = 10; a += 5;
    that means a will become a+5= 15
  • -=
    current value - new value
    var a = 10; a -= 5;
    that means a will become a-5= 5
  • *=
    current value * new value
    var a = 10; a *= 5;
    that means a will become a*5= 50
  • /=
    current value / new value
    var a = 10; a /= 5;
    that means a will become a/5= 2
JavaScript Comparison Operators

Comparison operators in javascript are used when we want to compare two variable, if they are equal, not equal, greater and equal, less than equal etc.

  • ==
    equal to, check if both equal, Returns true or false
    a==b, means a equal to b
  • !=
    Not equal to, check if both not equal, Returns true or false
    a!=b, means a not equal to b
  • >
    greater than, Returns true or false
    a>b, means a greater than b
  • >=
    greater than equal to, Returns true or false
    a>=b, means a greater than equal to b
  • <
    less than, Returns true or false
    a<b, means a less than b
  • <=
    less than equal to, Returns true or false
    a<b, means a less than equal to b
  • ===
    When we want to compare both conditions, equal value and equal type, we use === operator.
    let a=10;b=10;
JavaScript Logical Operators

Logical operators are basically when we want to apply logic to the line of code using some operator, are called logical operators, there are only three!

  • ||
    OR operator
    (a === 10 || b === 5) is false
  • &&
    AND operator
    (a < 10 && b >5) is true
  • !
    NOT operator
    !(a == b) is true
JavaScript Bitwise Operators
  • ~
    a = ~ 5
    console.log(~3); // -4
    console.log(~5); // -6
    console.log(~8); // -9
  • ^
    XOR ^ : Sets each bit to 1 if only one of two bits is 1 a = 5 ^ 1
    console.log(3^2); // 1
    console.log(2^2); // 0
    console.log(3^3); // 0
    console.log(10^5); // 15
    console.log(10^2); // 8
    console.log(5^1); // 4
JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

Here we use two variable (a=10, b=5) to show you the examples below.

  • %
    Modulus (division remainder) operator
    let a = 10; b = 5;
    r1 = eval(a % b);
    result zero
  • ++
    Increment operator
    var a = 10; b = 5;
     r1 = a+a;
     console.log(r1); // 20
     r2 = a; // 11
  • --
    Decrement operator example
    var a = 10; b = 5;
    r1 = a-a;
    console.log(r1); // 0
    r2 = a; // 9
  • +
    Addition operator
    let a = 10; b = 5;
    r1 = eval(a + b);
  • -
    Subtraction operator
    let a = 10; b = 5;
    r1 = eval(a - b);
    result 5
  • *
    Multiplication operator
    let a = 10; b = 5;
    r1 = eval(a * b);
    result 50
  • /
    Division operator
    let a = 10; b = 5;
    r1 = eval(a / b);
    result 2
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