Async javascript example

Javascript asynchronous programming to create better UI experience, learn how to use async await in Javascript.

async function functionName() {
     // do something
            await  callAnotherFunction();

We can use await keyword only when the function is async.

What is Asynchronous Call?

Normally JavaScript is single-threaded programming language, which means it can perform only one thing at a time, when some JavaScript function executed, it has to complete before we can execute another JavaScript function , also UI will be blocked during any JavaScript call.

Now, in new version of JavaScript (ES6) we can write asynchronous JavaScript function , that means before one function gets completed we can execute another JavaScript function, it does not block the UI anymore, and JavaScript is now multi threaded programming language.

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async await Javascript programming

To write an async function in JavaScript, you just need to place async keyword before function keyword.

async function welcomeMessage() {
    console.log("Hello World");

You also can explicitly write a promise inside an async function like example below.

async function welcomeMessage() {
            return Promise.resolve("Hello, how are you!");

Remember that Await works only inside a async function.

    let result = await promise;

Here is very simple example of async JavaScript function.

let checkUser = async function(username, password){
try {
let result = setTimeout(() => console.log("Tick"), 500);
        console.log("Welcome "+ username);
        return result;
    catch (ex)

Notice, "async" in above function gets converted into a new "Promise".

Now look at below example how you can use "await" in "async" function.

let checkUser = async function(username, password){
try {
let result=await updateLog();
console.log("Welcome "+ username);
return result;
catch (ex)
function updateLog() {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
        resolve("resolving okay");
        }, 2000);

Notice, In above updateLog() function how to return JavaScript Promise, Finally when you call checkUser("u1","p1");, you will see the sequence of log messages.

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