C# mutex and semaphore Example

Here we learn c# thread safety with mutex and semaphore, both are type of locking mechanism that helps controlling how many threads can perform task concurrently.

Semaphore: To control number of threads can access a resource concurrently.

Mutex: Prevent two threads from performing one or more actions simultaneously.

Mutex is a class under system.threading namespace

public sealed class Mutex : WaitHandle

what is a mutex c#?

Mutex class provide mechanism to prevent two threads from performing one or more actions simultaneously. Mutex is like a C# lock, but Mutex can work across multiple processes.

private static Mutex mutex = new Mutex();
static void MutexDemo()
        bool isSafe= mutex.WaitOne();
        if (isSafe)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} has entered", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} Leaving", Thread.CurrentThread.Name);

Now call the above MutexDemo method from multiple threads to see the result.

public static void MutexExample()
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        Thread t = new Thread(MutexDemo);
        t.Name = string.Format("Thread {0} :", i + 1);

Here is the output of above code.

Thread 3 : has entered
Do Stuff
Thread 3 : is leaving
Thread 4 : has entered
Thread 4 : is leaving
Thread 1 : has entered
Thread 1 : is leaving
Thread 2 : has entered
Thread 2 : is leaving
All Done

Here are some mutex methods

  • WaitOne()

    Wait until it is safe to enter

  • ReleaseMutex()

    ReleaseMutex unblock other threads that are trying to gain ownership of the mutex.

What is semaphore C#?

We can set the limits the number of threads that can access any resource concurrently, with semaphore we can set the min and max number.

using System.Threading;
static Semaphore _pool = new Semaphore(0, 2);

We can specify initial number and maximum number of concurrent access allowed for any resources, like in above example i have 0 and 2 (maximum).

static Semaphore _pool = new Semaphore(0, 4);
static int _padding;
public static void SemaphoreDemo()
    Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.Name} processing");
        int padding = Interlocked.Add(ref _padding, 100);
        Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.Name} is in");
        Thread.Sleep(1000 + padding);
        Console.WriteLine($"{Thread.CurrentThread.Name} completed");
        //Release() method to releage semaphore

Now call the above SemaphoreDemo method from multiple threads to see the result.

public static void SemaphoreExample()
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        Thread t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SemaphoreDemo));
        t.Name = string.Format($"(Thread-name:{i})");

Here are some important methods of Semaphore

  • WaitOne()

    Blocks the current thread until the current WaitHandle receives a signal

  • Release()

    Release the block, so that other thread can enter, we also can specify number of time semaphore exit.

Learn more about how to use Mutex in C# program.

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