Bootstrap Pagination Example

In this tutorial you will learn bootstrap paging, you can display a large list data asynchronously using bootstrap pagination.

Bootstrap Pagination Implementation Tutorial
Pagination is very useful feature in any application, we need this more often whenever we have a huge collection of data to be displayed on UI, Pagination helps loading UI faster and easy to navigate with

Title Shortinfo ImageTitle
20 Blog Title 20 blog shortinfo 20 Blog imageTitle
21 Blog Title 21 blog shortinfo 21 Blog imageTitle
22 Blog Title 22 blog shortinfo 22 Blog imageTitle
23 Blog Title 23 blog shortinfo 23 Blog imageTitle
24 Blog Title 24 blog shortinfo 24 Blog imageTitle
25 Blog Title 25 blog shortinfo 25 Blog imageTitle

Pagination Implement example step by step

Step 1:
To use pagination using bootstrap, you need to install PagedList in your project using NuGet Package

pagedList installation

Now you can use the PagedList reference in your controller and razor view, like below

using PagedList; 
using PagedList.Mvc; 

Step 2:
Now implement pagination in your controller

Notice, in controller we are fetching data asynchronously, look at how async and await is implemented.

public async Task<ActionResult> pagination(int page = 1)
    IPagedList<blogObj> _blist = await Task.Run(()=> GetDemoBlogList().ToPagedList(page, 12));
    return await Task.Run(() => View("pagination", _blist));

In below method i am returning a list of blog object blogObj using loop, you can fetch data from database and populate the same collection object.

public  List<blogObj> GetDemoBlogList()
    List<blogObj> list = new List<blogObj>();
    for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
        list.Add(new blogObj()
    title = string.Format("{0} Blog Title", i),
    shortinfo = string.Format("{0} blog shortinfo", i),
    imageTitle = string.Format("{0} Blog imageTitle", i),
    blogActionName = string.Format("{0} Blog blogActionName", i),
    return list;

Step 3:
Add the reference of bootstrap in your page like given below

<link href="~/Content/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet" />

Or you also can add the reference in BundleConfig.cs this way

bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/css").Include("~/Content/bootstrap.css"));

Step 4:
Now we have to display the object collection in UI (razor view)

<div style="padding: 10px;"> @{
IPagedList<blogObj> blogList = ViewBag.BlogList as IPagedList<blogObj>;
<table style="width:100%;">
<tr style="font-weight:bold;background-color:#e2e2e2">
<td>Title </td>
<td>Shortinfo </td>
<td>ImageTitle </td>
@foreach (blogObj b in blogList)
<td>@b.title </td>
<td>@b.shortinfo </td>
<td>@b.imageTitle </td>
<div style="background: #fff; text-align: right; padding: 4px;">
@Html.PagedListPager(blogList, page => Url.Action("pagination", new { page }), PagedListRenderOptions.ClassicPlusFirstAndLast)

Bootstrap pagination implementation ends here.

Pagination in Bootstrap
Bootstrap Tutorial

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